
University Names New Faculty

The faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Business School and the School of Public Health have announced new faculty appointments and promotions.

In the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvey Leibenstein has been named Harvard's first Andelot Professor of Economics and Population. He will simultaneously serve as a member of the School of Public Health's Center for Population Studies.

Leibenstein's studies have focused on the relationship between economics and demography. He was a member of the University of California's Berkeley faculty from 1951 until 1966 when he was a visiting professor at Harvard.

Business School

The Harvard Business School has named Pearson Hunt the Edmund Cogswell Converse Professor of Finance and Banking.


An authority on corporate finance whose teaching and research have helped to shape modern financial management practices, Hunt is the fifth man to hold the Business School's oldest endowed chair.

School of Public Health

In the School of Public Health, Dr. Bernard Lown, Director of the Coronary Care Unit at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and developer of the Cardioverter--an electronic instrument which corrects abnormal heart rhythms--has been promoted to Associate Professor of Cardiology in Public Health.

Since 1958 he had been Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Department of Nutrition.

The Cardioverter developed by Dr. Lown and his associates is now used as a standard treatment method in major hospitals.

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