
Cliffe Institute To Train Maids

The Radcliffe Institute has proposed an apprentice program for Southern Negro girls working as domestic employees in Boston.

The goal of the program is to raise the professional standards of the workers. Fifteen girls at a time would be trained in the homes of scholars associated with the Institute. This on-the-spot education would be combined with skill courses at the Women's Service Club.

"Trouble often comes from the assumption that any woman knows how to cook, care for children, and clean a house," said Mrs. Dorothy Parrish, director of the Immigrant Program of the Women's Service Club. A recent survey shows that many girls whom employment agencies lure up north with promises of high wages and an easy life have never seen a vacuum cleaner before.

Federal funds are expected soon for the Radcliffe Institute's program. The Institute was established by the trustees of Radcliffe College in 1960 to help talented women who want to do professional work without disrupting their family life.


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