

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Get it right! Students who do not score at least 560 on the College Board Language Achievement Test do not (contrary to your report in Monday's paper) have to "take and pass two full courses in a language to graduate from Harvard." They have to get 560 on the test we use at Harvard, which for French, German, and Spanish is the Modern Language Association Classroom Test, the scores of which are equated with the CEEB scores. How he upgrades his ability is a matter of his own choice. Some go to Europe. Most take a semester or more in our language department. No one has to "take and pass two full courses" unless he decides to begin at the beginning and can't make 560 on the Proficiency Test which is given as part of the Final Examination every semester. In this case, two full years of "exposure" will get him off the hook -- unless he (or his doctor) has strephosymbolia. Jack M. Stein Chairman
