Dean Monro and Dean Watson, with the help of admission files, proctors, advisers, teachers, and coaches, classify each freshman under the following headings. The names and ratings given below are imaginary. ADAMS, AIKEN, ALLEN, ALT Carl John Peter David Secondary School type 5 2 3 5 (See below) Rank in class 15 4 3 23 Size of class 250 300 65 220 Advance standing -- AP -- -- Rank list (First term) 3 2 3 4 Predicted Rank List 32 26 29 35 SAT scores 4 2 3 3 Extracurricular--secondary 3 3 1 4 Athletic--secondary 2 4 3 1 Personal G S W A (See below) Scholarship award yes -- -- yes Father's college 3 1 2 3 Dean Watson's summary 3 2 2 2 Dean Monro's rating 3 2 1 3 (See below) Extracurricular at Harvard -- 4 1 0 (See below) Extracurricular proficiency -- 2 2 2 Athletics at Harvard 5 -- -- 6 (See below) Athletic proficiency 2 -- -- 1 (See below)