
Young Democrats, Hillel Oppose U.S. Involvement in Vietnam War

Young Dems

The executive committee of the Harvard Young Democrats has adopted a stand against the war in Vietnam which it hopes will be "only a beginning" to Y-D action on the war.

The resolution, passed by a vote of 9 to 1, endorses U Thant's proposal to end the war, recommends self-determination for the Vietnamese, and pledges support of Sane's petition campaign to stop the bombing of North Vietnam.

No Withdrawal

An amendment to add a clause advocating immediate U.S. withdrawal was defeated, 7 to 4.

The club last year considered a proposal similar to the one just passed along with two others -- one which pleged support to the President's policy, and another which called for immediate unilateral withdrawal. None of the three received a majority of the votes last spring.


The YD's are considering the possibility of a trial of the war, a la Betrand Russell, and perhaps a "free for all," in which discussion will be open to anyone concerning any aspect of the war.

No Interest

The executive committee is not currently planning to submit the approved statement to the general membership because, said club president Harlan Dalton, members have not shown much interest in a Y-D stand on the war.

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