
Gentlemen of 1970:

The Dean's Office has been repeatedly pressed by a number of members of the Freshman Class for a statement of the College's administrative position with respect to the use of drugs, including marijuana and L.S.D. If it will help anyone, I am pleased to clarify our position.

As anyone bright enough to be at Harvard knows perfectly well, possession or distribution of marijuana and L.S.D. are strictly against the law, and taking the drugs involves users in psychological dangers and contacts with the criminal underworld. The College is prepared to take serious disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, against any student found to be involved in the use or distribution of illegal and dangerous drugs.

In sum, if a student is stupid enough to misuse his time here fooling around with illegal and dangerous drugs, our view is that he should leave college and make room for people prepared to take good advantage of the college opportunity.


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