
Quincy to Honor Bernstein Today

The Pudding's Woman of the Year never made it to Cambridge, but Leonard Bernstein '39 will be here today to become Man of the Year and guest of honor at Quincy House Arts Festival.

Bernstein, the Music Director of the New York Philharmonic, will attend the final Quincy House performance of On the Town, whose music Bernstein composed.

Charles W. Dunn, Master of Quincy House, will host a cocktail party for the visitor at 5:30 p.m. An hour later, Bernstein will be whisked off to a dinner for Quincy residents, invited guests, and Arts Festival patrons. After seeing On the Town, he will spend the night at Quincy House.

The night's events will conclude Quincy's eighth annual Arts Festival. Man of the Year at last year's festival was play wright William Alfred, professor of English.
