
O'Brien Arrives As Institute Guest; To Discuss JFK, LBJ, Lawmaking

Postmaster General Lawrence F. O'Brien will visit Harvard tomorrow through Tuesday as the eighth Honorary Associate of the Kennedy School's Institute of Politics.

O'Brien's off-the-record meeting with students and faculty members will each center on one topic, unlike sessions with previous Honorary Associates, according to Miss Doris H. Kearns, coordinator of O'Brien's visit and a teaching fellow in Government. Students and staff members of the Institute felt that earlier sessions lacked focus and were repetitious.

For example, O'Brien's discussion topic at his meetings with members of Dunster House tomorrow afternoon will be how the President gets legislation through Congress.

O'Brien, who was national director of the Kennedy campaign in 1960, served as special assistant for Congressional relations under both Kennedy and Johnson.

Johnson's Success


At a Radcliffe dinner tomorrow, he will attempt to explain Johnson's success and Kennedy's failure to get a federal aid to education bill through Congress.

After lunch with Institute Fellows on Monday, O'Brien will meet with the Young Democrats Executive Committee.

Richard E. Neustadt, director of the Institute, will lead a Tuesday morning panel including O'Brien and Bryce Harlowe, a special assistant to President Eisenhower. The panel will discuss and compare White House relations with Congress during the Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson administrations.

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