
Hirschman Receives Littauer Chair; Bond, Evans Given Professorships

Albert O. Hirschman, an authority on economic development and foreign trade, has been named Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Political Economy.

He succeeds Carl Kaysen, who left Harvard last year to become director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J.

Hirschman came to Harvard in 1964 as the first professor of political economy appointed through the Graduate School of Public Administration, now renamed the John F. Kennedy School of Government. He is also a member of the Department of Economics, specializing in Latin American economy.

As an economist, Hirschman worked on financial and monetary problems of European recovery for the Federal Reserve Board from 1946 to 1952, and then spent four years as an economic advisor and consultant in Bogota, Colombia.

Hirschman teaches Ec 152 -- "Economic Development in Latin America"



William H. Bond, librarian of the Houghton Librarian of rare books and manuscripts, has been named professor of Bibliography at Harvard.

A scholar in English philology, Bond teaches Hum 122, "History of the Book," and English 296, "Description and Analytic Bibliography."

He has edited various literary texts, most recently, with Rueben A. Brower, professor of English, Pope's translation of "The Iliad," in 1965.

Bond has been on the staff of the Houghton Library since 1946, and was curator of manuscripts before he became librarian in 1965.

Renaissance Scholar

Gwynne B. Evans, a scholar of Renaissance literature who has made special studies of Shakespeare, Cartwright, and Milton, will become Professor of English at Harvard on July 1.

Evans is now a professor at the University of Illinois, where he has taught for 20 years. He has edited "Shakespeare Prompt-books of the Seventeenth Century," "The Tragedy of Richard the Third" in The Pelican Shakespeare, and "The Plays and Poems of William Cartwright."
