
University Names 7 Junior Fellows

President Pusey has announced the election of seven scholars as Junior Fellows in Harvard's Society of Fellows.

Fellows receive financial support for research and an additional yearly stipend of between $4500 and $6500. They are appointed for three year periods and pursue their studies free of formal requirements.

Faculty members of any U.S. or foreign university may nominate scholars for the fellowships. A committee of ten Senior Fellows, who are Faculty members, selects the Junior Fellows on the basis of interviews and examples of nominees' work.

The new Junior Fellows are: Joel E. Cohen '65, in Mathematical Biology and Sociology; Paul Horowitz '65, in Experimental Physics; Bentley R. Layton '63, in Early Christian History and Literature; John M. Lewis '65, in American Literature.

Also, William H. Hughes, in Chemical Physics; Roy P. Mottahedeh '60, in History; and Maxime Schwartz, in Bio-chemistry and Genetics.


One present junior fellow, Michael M. Fried, in the Fine Arts, was reappointed for a one year term.

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