
History Dept. Changes Course Requirements

The History Department has changed concentration requirements for history courses taken outside the student's major area.

In the past, concentrators had to take the equivalent of one full course in three of four areas: Europe before 1600; Modern Europe since 1600; the Americas; and Asia. If a student chose to take two half courses, they had to be related.

Under the new rules, which go into effect immediately, the two half courses will not have to be related. For example, instead of following History 109a, "History of the Roman Republic," with History of the Roman Empire," a student could take History 114b, "The Late Middle Ages," an unrelated course within the same area.

Elliott Perkins '23, professor of History, said yesterday that the old requirements were intended to prepare students for the general examinations, which included questions on areas outside the student's field of concentration. But generals no longer include area questions, he added.

"There was no debate when the History Department considered getting rid of this noisy nuisance," Perkins said. "And now students will be encouraged to branch out more in History."
