
Five Loses Two More, Sits in League Cellar

Chris Gallagher is back and exams are over, but Harvard's basketball team still cannot win in the Ivy League. The Crimson five fell to Penn Friday night and Princeton Saturday night, making the team's league record 0-7.

The Quakers crushed Harvard 76-56 at the Palestra in Philadelphia. One day later, the Tigers came from behind to top the Crimson 66-59, at Princeton. Since Brown beat Columbia on Friday, Harvard is now sole possessor of last place.

Harvard showed the effects of a long layoff in the Friday game, giving away 15 points in the opening minutes and hitting only two foul shots. The first Crimson bucket came after an incredible six minutes and 13 seconds.

Despite a 17-point performance by Barth Royer, Harvard was never able to make much of a thriller out of the game. Bob Kanuth chipped in a dozen points.

It looked like Harvard would bounce back to a mighty upset on Saturday. At the half, the Ivy cellar-dwellers held a 32-28 lead over the nationally-ranked Princeton five. But it was a different Tiger team in the second half, and Harvard suffered for it.


Momentary Lapse

At the three-minute mark, the Tigers took the lead, lost it momentarily, and then regained it forever. Princeton whipped up a 13-point differential, and then relaxed a little.

Harvard rallied late in the game, but the Tigers held on for their slim win.

Captain Gene Dressler, shut out the night before against Penn, was high man for the losers with 13 points. Forward Bob Kanuth had 12 and Chris Gallagher netted 11. The Tigers had four men in double figures, with Joe Heiser's 17 points leading the way.

Weekend Tilts

Harvard will try to make a comeback this Friday and Saturday at the IAB. The Crimson hosts Columbia Friday and Cornell Saturday. Both teams beat the Crimson during a January road trip. HARVARD   G  F  T Royer  3  0  6 Dressler  5  3  13 Grate  4  1  9 Kanuth  4  4  12 Gallagher  4  3  11 Gstfsn  3  0  6 Martell  1  0  2 PRINCETON Hummer  3  1  7 Haarlw  6  0  12 Thomfd  3  6  12 Wltrs  4  3  11 Heiser  7  3  17 Brown  3  1  7 Luchno  Zilch
