
A Brief Scuffle Ends HDC Debate Over Executive Committee Change

Two Harvard Dramatic Club members came to blows yesterday as a debate over a constitutional amendment reached a heated climax.

The controversy arose over an amendment to replace the present self-perpetuating Executive Committee of HDC with a committee elected by the entire membership. The committee chooses plays and directors for Loeb mainstage productions.

One amendment supporter shouted "you are a moralizing faker," when an Executive committee member defended the present system. They started fighting and had to be separated forcibly.

After the fight, the meeting adjourned. The HDC will again discuss the amendment, offered by James L. Shuman '68, next Monday. Club members will also consider a substitute amendment offered by the Executive Committee. The Committee amendment would allow HDC members to submit nominees for the Committee's consideration when it selects its successors.

The HDC discussed another series of amendments supported by both Shuman and the Executive Committee. These amendments would give HDC members access to the minutes of closed Executive Committee meetings. Shuman will submit this series of amendments for ratification at next Monday's meeting.
