
Wrestlers Meet Rugged Maroon In Non-Ivy Test

8 p.m. tonight in the IAB

With the big Princeton meet looming in the background, the wrestling team tackles Springfield tonight in the IAB hoping to avenge last year's 27-11 loss to the Maroon.

The team--one ray of light in an otherwise dismal sports winter for Harvard--has already avenged another of last year's non-Ivy losses with a victory over Rutgers last Friday.


Tonight's meet is also important to Saturday's Princeton battle. Coach Bob Pickett has been juggling men in and out of various slots for the past few weeks to get the proper line-up against the Tigers.


In tonight's meet, he will weigh in both Andy Kopecki and Howie Henjyoji at the 123 slot, and will weigh in little-used Dick Low and Tom Bussing at the 160 position.


The highlight match of the evening should be captain Ed Franquemont against Springfield senior Bob Waligunda. Franquemont, who is undefeated, once-tied this season, will meet the top contender in New England competitions. (Harvard participates in the Eastern championships at the end of the season while Springfield wrestles in the New England finals).

Springfield--like Rutgers--is not as strong this year. The Crimson is presenting its most formidable squad in many years. It will probably be a squeaker and a good one to watch.
