
Trackmen, Wrestlers Begin Seasons; Quintet, Swimmers Face Military Men


Roger Buchika, former member of the U.S. Alpine Ski Team, has been named coach of the Harvard freshman team.

A recent Middlebury graduate, Buchika is one of the top-ranking amateur racers in the East. He will be competing against Harvard team members in all major Eastern Alpine races this year.

This year the team heads north for two days of Alpine and Nordic training at Cannon Mt. and Waterville Valley. Nine team members and two coaches--Buchika and varsity coach Dick Friedman--will race in the Pat Harty Memorial Slalom on Sunday at Waterville.

Standings in this race, which opens the Eastern Alpine season, are figured on an individual basis. Harvard's group efforts begin after exams with the St. Lawrence Carnval.



Cliffie skiers also will be on the slopes at Waterville this weekend. One team member is entered in Sunday's race.

Several Harvard team members are going to downhill training camps out west over Christmas vacation. The Rocky Mountain Ski Association has invited two freshmen--Steven Bainbridge and John Orear--to a camp at Aspen. Sophomore Michael Cook will be at a Sun Valley camp sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Ski Association.

The rest of the team will train in the Middlebury-Mad River Glen area between Christmas and Jan. 1.
