
16 Faculty Members Named by Dean Ford To Advisory Council

Dean Ford yesterday named the 16 Faculty members who will serve on the Student-Faculty Advisory Council.

The Council will include nine full professors--Rogers G. Albritton, Bruce Chalmers, Merle Fainsod, Oscar Handlin, Stanley H. Hoffmann, Samuel P. Huntington, Ernest R. May, Anthony G. Oettinger '51, and Robert V. Pound.

There will be one associate professor, Harrison C. White, and six untenured members--Howard C. Berg, Paul J. Hollander, Charles S. Maier '60, Barrington Moore Jr., and James C. Thomson Jr.

Ford made the announcement at yesterday's Faculty meeting. No one at the meeting offered any comment on the choice.

"I tried to get men who disagree both on public policy and internal University matters," Ford explained afterwards. He said he also sought a "good age mix."


But he emphasized that "it would have been a mistake to create a committee which would immediately split down the middle on most issues."

Ford said he had not talked about the Council with every one he appointed, and he recognized that "many I've not talked with could have strong views." He said, however, that every appointment not based on a personal knowledge of the man's views was the result of a recommendation by another Faculty member "whom I trust."


Ford told the Faculty his reasons for choosing a House-by-House election procedure for undergraduate places on the Council, and no one on the Faculty spoke when Ford asked for comments. Many students had asked for a College-wide election.

The first meeting of the Advisory Council, scheduled for Dec. 15, will be held in the Faculty meeting room in University Hall, but Ford said he hopes future meetings will be held in the less intimidating junior common rooms.

One of the 16 Faculty members, Chalmers, is taking next semester off, and will therefore serve only six weeks.

Only 16 Faculty members were offered Council posts, and every one accepted, which Ford said he considered "heartening."
