After participating in anti-war activity, a Harvard undergraduate has been reclassified from 4-F to 1-A and ordered to report for a pre-induction physical.
James R. Smith '70 was also declared delinquent for failure to carry his Selective Service card and to inform his local board of his current mailing address. His local board notified him of his reclassification yesterday.
Smith arranged yesterday to undergo his physical in Boston during January rather than at his local board in Cheyenne, Wyo. He had been scheduled to appear for the examination yesterday in Cheyenne.
Smith said last night he was not sure what further action he would take. He said that he would either appeal the reclassification to his local board or contest it in court on the grounds that the Selective Service had operated punitively.
Smith said that he had been previously treated as a delinquent and reclassified 1-A in August, 1966, for failure to notify his board when he left the country. After a physical, he was listed as 4-F.
Vietnam war opponents demonstrated throughout the country yesterday.
Fifty men turned in their draft cards before 500 protestors jammed into Yale's Battell Chapel in New Haven. About 21 of the cards reportedly belonged to Yale students.
Before the service, 1100 young people from New England and New York gathered in an antidraft rally.
Also in New Haven Gov. Ronald Reagan of California criticized Selective Service director Gen. Lewis B. Hershey's recommendation that the draft be used to punish anti-war protestors.
In Manchester, N.H., 22 demonstrators wert arrested for breach of the peace after violence erupted in the Manchester induction center. According to police, the demonstrators pushed shouting up the stairs where volunteers for the military had just been conducted by police officers.
Twenty-two Los Angeles demonstrators dropped what they said were draft cards into a chalice reportedly filled with human blood.
In San Francisco, 88 men improvised an altar in front of a federal office building during a demonstration, and left what they said were draft cards in an offering plate.
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