
Steering Group Meets to Define SFAC Structure

The five-man temporary steering committee of the Student-Faculty Advisory Council met in closed session yesterday, and proposed establishment of three standing sub-committees.

The steering committee-Stanley H. Hoffmann, professor of Government, Harrison C. White, associate professor of Sociology, Katherine A. Kaufer '69, Alexander Keyssar '68, and Thomas A. O'-Brien, a graduate student in chemistry--also recommended that the full council meetings be "ordinarily open" with the exception of the next one, scheduled for January 9.


The steering committee voted to allow the proposed subcommittees to decide whether their meetings would be open or closed.

One member of the committee stressed last night that its proposals are only recommendations and can be amended, altered, or overruled by the full council.


The proposed subcommittees would deal with the general topics of "the University's trade in personnel with the outside world," "the University's trade in money and ideas with the outside world," and "the relationship between the University and its students."

A member of the steering committee said last night that the first group would investigate the questions of on-campus recruiting and the draft.

The second would study research grants and contracts at Harvard, especially those from the "industrial complex," including government and private sources. The final subcommittee would look into the issues of student power and protests.

Membership on these subcommittees would ideally be voluntary, the committee member said. It was also proposed at yesterday's meeting that selection of members of a permanent steering committee or an executive board to replace the temporary committee be made on a random basis.

Yesterday's proposals will be sent to all members of the Advisory Council before the January 9 meeting, the committee member said.
