
Cadets Sink Swim Team

Cadet Peter Heesch touched out Harvard's Bill Shrout in the last leg of the 400-yard freestyle relay Saturday to give the Army swimming team a 63-50 victory in the Crimson's home pool.

Harvard spent the day trying to catch up. Down 15-1 at the end of the first two races, the Crimson battled back to win seven of the eleven possible first places in the individual events.

Bill Murphy and Bill Shrout turned in their usual outstanding performances, winning two firsts each. But some of the lesser known members of the team did just as much to keep the Crimson hopes alive throughout the meet.

With the score 44-35 and with only four events to go, Al Birch started what seemed to be an impossible attempt at a Crimson comeback. Birch cut four seconds off his best time in the 200-yard backstroke to win a come-from-behind victory over Cadet John Noll.

Shrout followed with his second win of the day, in the 500-yard free. With the score 45-52, Harvard had to win at least 12 points to take the meet. The last relay was worth seven, a first in the 200-yard breaststroke 5.


With the pressure on, Harvard's breastroker, Carl Cummins, false started once, losing precious energy. Cummins started slowly. Behind by a body length halfway through the race, Cummins' hopes looked dim. But a tremendous burst of speed at the end pushed him out in front to touch out Army's Jeff Burke. Harvard was hanging by its fingernails, still behind by six.

Final Relay

Cummins' victory set the stage for the final relay. Harvard coach Bill Brooks put Pete Adams, Dan Thompson, John Bragg, and Bill Shrout on the line against Army's powerful four. Adams and Thompson opened up a lead of one body length which Bragg lost to Army's speedy Jay Williams. Shrout hit the water even with Cadet Heesch. Heesch, like Shrout, had won two freestyle events earlier. But for the relay Heesch was rested while Shrout was still tired from the gruelling 500-yard freestyle, two events before.

It was an even race all the way. But just at the end Shrout's strength began to wane in the last half lap. Heesch won, giving Army the meet.

Throughout the afternoon the Army strength lay in its reserves. Harvard took seven of the eleven first places in the individual events but the Crimson backup men were weak. Army took seven of the eleven seconds and eight thirds.

Harvard swims a tough Navy team at Annapolis Saturday.

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