To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I join the thousands of citizens from all parts of the city who are supporting the Cambridge referendum against the war in Vietnam. I can't think of no more useful and legitimate way to oppose this senseless and wasteful war than to vote against it in an official election.
The Cambridge vote, along with the vote on a similar referendum in San Francisco, cannot help but have an effect on the policy-makers in Washington. It will be the first time that all the people have officially been asked to express themselves on the Administration's war policy. Not even Congress has been given the opportunity for a straightforward vote on this question. We must not wait until 1968. It is time for the citizens of this city to be counted.
Even though one may not agree with every word in the text, I feel that it is important for all citizens who oppose the war to vote "yes" on this referendum. Maurine Neuberger Former U.S. Senator from Oregon
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