
Area Universities Will Vote Today On Vietnam War

Students, faculty, and staff of 29 universities in the New England area will vote today and Thursday in a referendum on the Vietnam war.

M. Kim Marshall '68, co-ordinator of the New England Universities Referendum on Vietnam, expects that two-thirds of the 160,000 eligible will vote.

Most of the 21 questions about the war offer several choices of answers. The questionnaire aims at the expression of opinion in a "detailed, personal, and sophisticated form," Marshall said.

The results from all the universities will be tabulated in Cambridge by a computer that visually scans the answer sheets.

David J. Armor, assistant professor of Sociology, will direct computer analysis of the results at William James Hall. He will correlate such data as age, sex, and college with the answers and possibly make cross-tabulations of one question with another.


Marshall plans to send the results to "government policy-makers."
