
Karl Strauch Is Named As New Accelerator Head

Karl Strauch, professor of Physics, has been appointed director of the Cambridge Election Accelerator, jointly operated by M.I.T. and Harvard.

A leading high-energy physicist, Strauch has investigated the structure and properties of nuclei and high-energy particles such as mesons and hyperons.

Strauch said he would not make major changes in the work being carried on at the Accelerator, but that the emphasis on particular experiments might be altered. A large part of the efforts of Accelerator students and Faculty are now directed towards building a colliding beam facility, he said. The project will study the evidence of electro-magnetic forces and the creation of high-energy particles.

Proton Accelerator

Strauch will visit Bates College next week as part of a nationwide program to stimulate interest in physics. He will lecture, hold informal meetings with students, and assist Faculty members with curriculum and research problems.


The former director of the Accelerator, M. Stanley Livingston, has been named associate director of the National Accelerator Laboratory, a 200-billion-electron-volt proton accelerator scheduled to be built at Weston, IIIinois.

Livingston was the first director of the Accelerator, which began in 1962 to produce six-billion-electron-volt electrons to probe the fundamental questions of matter.
