
Olympians Splash at IAB

Nine hundred people got a glimpse of what Olympic swimming looks like Saturday night as the M.I.T. Swim Club presented a swimming and diving show at the Indoor Athletic Building.

The show, which raised $1500 for the 1968 U.S. Olympic swimming and diving team featured both past and prospective members of Olympic teams.

Water clown and trick diver Dick Kimball, coach of the 1964 Olympic diving team, opened the diving exhibition with the Kimball swan dives, gainers, and cutaways that have made him one of the country's leading professional divers. Kimball was accompanied by Ronnie O'Brien, coach of the 1967 U.S. diving team at the Pan American games.

The show continued with performances by some of the leading contenders for the 1968 Olympic games. Yale swimmer Steve Clark and four of his teammates ran mock races to show the form which has made Yale one of the nation's formost swimming colleges. Mickey King, leading contender for the women's one meter diving gold medal at Mexico City in 1968, finished the show with a diving exhibition.


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