
Marshal Candidates

The eight candidates who received the highest number of votes in the preliminary election for the Class Marshals of 1968 held last Thursday are James V. Baker of Lowell House, Alan D. Bersin (no picture) of Kirkland House, Donald J. Chiofaro (no picture) of Krikland House, John P. Garrity of Eliot House, Paul T. Gibson of Adams House, Tirachai Kambhu of Kirkland House, Neal P. Katz of Lowell House, and Robert P. Marshall Jr. of Eliot House.

These candidates qualify for the final election to be held on Monday at lunch and dinner in the Houses. Four men will be elected.

The election for Class Committee will be held on Wednesday, November 29, with each House electing one member. Candidates who wish to run for Class Committee must submit a statement of their intention to run to a member of the Election Committee from their House.

The Marshalls and Class Committee will plan the Commencement activities for the Class.


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