
Huntington and Frank Aid White In Searching for Political Talent

Kevin H. White has appointed Samuel P. Huntington, professor of Government to head a task force which will make recommendations for political appointments.

Barney Frank, former Winthrop House senior tutor and appointments secretary to White during the campaign, has also been appointed to the task force. The group will scout for talent throughout the country, Frank said yesterday. White will have to find commissioners to head all city departments as well as the controvesial Urban Renewal program.

Commenting on the appointment, Samuel H. Beer, chairman of the Advisory Committee of the state Democratic Party, the party's brain trust, said yesterday that this would probably herald "closer contact between the City's administration and the intellectual community. It is a good sign," Beer added.

Source Of Talent

Huntington said that the large number of students who worked on White's campaign also represent an important source of talent, and energy. Students could, for instance, be enlisted to work in various projects connected with the poverty program, he said.


"The mayor is bringing the city government back to the people," Huntington said, "He hopes to get all sorts of groups involved in the work of the city.

The role of academicians in the White campaign was played down during the election. Unsuccessful candidate Louise Day Hicks charged that her opponent's campaign was being run by intellectuals and big-name politicians such as Edward M. Kennedy.
