Boston's second mass draft card turn-in in a month is planned for today at 2 p.m. at the Federal Building in Post Office Square.
Leaders of The Resistance, an anti-war, anti-draft group, will try to present the cards to the federal attorney's office. One of them, Michael K. Ferber, a second-year graduate student, said last night that he had been given word that the office was under orders to refuse the cards.
"At any rate," Ferber said. "we will leave them somewhere in the building. Or, if we have to, we will send the cards by mail to the Attorney-General in Washington."
Today's activities will begin at 11:30 a.m. with services at the Old West Methodist Church, Cambridge St., Boston. There, as they did October 16, several of the resisters will burn their draft cards with altar candles. After the service everyone will march to Post Office Square.
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