

The Mail

To the editors of the CRIMSON:

Yesterday I thought the concept of Harvard paternalism was an exageration and it did not bother me too much. Today, however, I am good and mad.

What kind of administration does this college have which completely ignores its students? We think the present parietal system stinks, and we want it changed. We have gone through all the proper channels. The HUC presented a proposal and conducted a poll. They asked to meet with the masters to explain their position. The CRIMSON editorially supported the HUC. And what happened?

Parietals are a problem which continually bothers us, and we want it changed. If Dean Ford were at all sympathetic, he would try to solve the problem, and if he did not understand way we felt this way, would talk with students, tutors, and the HUC until he did understand.

It is high time members of the University administration look up from its blueprints for beautiful new buildings, stop polishing its shiny reputation, stop poring over its government contracts, and give a good damn for the students. Steven Bussard, '69
