
Cliffies Triumph In Own Regatta

A fourth consecutive win for Cliffie sailors last weekend boosts their chances for an unprecedented clean sweep of the fall series of the New England Women's Intercollegiate Sailing Association.

Captain Jane Chalmers and her teammates brought home the Victorian Coffee Urn from their own invitational regatta held last Sunday in the Charles River Basin. It was won last year by M.I.T.

Radcliffe defeated nine other schools in the regatta. The "A" boat, skippered by Miss Chalmers and Martha Fransson, scored two firsts, two seconds, and one third. "B" skipper Martha Fransson won three races and placed second once.

The other teams were hampered by several protest situations and a dozen capsizes caused by strong, gusty winds. Radcliffe's consistently good starts helped to widen their margin of victory.

The undefeated 'Cliffe team goes to the final regatta next weekend at M.I.T. with a brilliant record of 206 of a possible 220 points.
