
Frosh Harriers Wallop Andover

Sparked by Dave Pottetti's record breaking performance the freshman crosscountry team outran Phillips Academy, 18-44, at Andover yesterday.

Pottetti, undefeated in the team's six meets, ran the course in 12:23 to shatter a record set by Crimson sophomore Keith Colburn when he ran for Exeter in 1965.

The victory boosted the team's record to 5-1, the sole loss coming at the hands of Northeastern in the year's second outing.

Coach Bill McCurdy thinks this year's Yardling squad could prove to be the best in Harvard's history. Pottetti comes to Harvard boasting an impressive 9:09 two-mile mark, and behind him is a corps of strong runners. Tom Spengler placed second in Wednesday's meet, and Howard Foye. Curtis Schweizer, and Wilbur Edwards finished the scoring at fourth, fifth and sixth.

The freshmen will face one of their biggest challenges at Cornell this Saturday.


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