
CEP Reconsiders Pass-Fail And HPC Language Plan

Members of HPC Asked to Testify

The CEP will call on representatives of the HPC for testimony when it resumes its discussion of pass-fail and the language requirement on Oct. 25.

The appearance of HPC members before the committee, which draws up academic policy proposals and submits them to the Faculty, will mark the first time in memory that undergraduates have participated in CEP meetings.

The CEP will ask the students' views on two HPC proposals now under consideration. One calls for students to be allowed the option of taking either a fourth or a free fifth course on a passfail basis. The other suggests creating the option of satisfying the language requirement through linguistics and comparative literature courses.

Edward T. Wilcox, secretary of the CEP, said yesterday that although the participation of the HPC may be unprecedented, it is "the natural and normal thing" for the committee to do when discussing HPC proposals.

"I don't remember another well-organized student group that has had a potential piece of Faculty legislation before the CEP," Wilcox said.


Henry R. Norr '68, chairman of the HPC, said the HPC had suggested privately to CEP members that the students be allowed to come before it. "As far as I know, it hasn't happened before," he said.
