
HUC to Conduct Parietals Talks

The Harvard Undergraduate Council last night formally recognized, in effect, the Students' Committee on Parietals.

With 1 a.m. approaching at its marathon meeting, the HUC voted to conduct a series of House-wide discussions involving students, members of the Committee on Houses, and faculty members, "in conjunction with" a sub-committee of the Students' Committee on Parietals, a committee which has said it might be willing to use civil disobedience.

After that was passed, James A. Cooney '69 suggested that the HUC "should deny any complicity in civil disobedience, at least until after our meeting with the Committee on the Houses." (The HUC tentatively accepted an October 31 date to dine and talk with the Committee.)

But no action was taken on Cooney's proposal. Several HUC members said after the meeting was adjourned that they felt denial of complicity in civil disobedience "was implicit" in the proposal they accepted for House-wide discussions.


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