Carey Cage means a lot to Harvard men. They flock there to Friday night mixers in the Fall to dance, sweat, and hunt. But in two weeks it will mean something new.
Along with Radcliffe Gym, Carey Cage will be the scene for 90 midyear exams for both Cliffies and Harvard students.
Memorial Hall will stand deserted as the scene of mental gymnastics shifts from its staid auditorium to sportier confines.
Carey Cage -- across the river and next to the Stadium -- is a converted basketball court. It is now occasionally used for freshman pitching practice. It will soon accommodate students of Hum 4.
Radcliffe Gym -- in the 'Cliffe Yard -- is used for basketball and volleyball by Cliffie amazons. Here they'll hold the Phil 140 exam.
The purpose of the move from Mem Hall is to save students from the noise of construction of the Cambridge St. underpass, Robert Shenton, Registrar of the College, said. yesterday.
Shenton made the decision to relocate the exams.
Dean Monro said last night that the move is only temporary. Once the workmen have left the Mem Hall area, exams will return there. But work on the underpass won't be finished until 1969, according to the present schedule.
Of the 90 exams involved in the shift, 48 will be held under the baskets of the Gym and 42 inside the Cage.
The move interrupts a long tradition of exams in Mem Hall. The huge building, was first used for exams in 1924.
Several experts were contacted last night, but none of them could say whether test scores would be higher in the new environments. Carey Cage has been the scene of many terrible failures for Harvard men, and there is speculation that this will have an adverse psychological effect on them at exam time.
As for the Cliffies -- just guess.
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