
Weighty Words

We read on our front page of a heated discussion that took place, recently, in the past few days, in fact, preceding a decision of the residents of the various Radcliffe houses concerning the extension or the further continuance of the present system of the allotting Parietal hours among the various days of the week, which was decidedly on the side of the opponents of extension of the parietal periods until the reversal of ambient sentiment switched the balance of opinion to those advocates of extension of parietals negating the heretofore previous situation which is outlined above, which appears the only noteworthy element in a controversy composed of those elements whose social interest lies not so much in their immediate appeal, or their poignant arousal of those central emotions or basic human dignities that are evident in reading a newspaper but rather in duller things, that prompts us to submit the kernel of comment which was brought to mind by a view in print of the exhibition of certain young ladies aggressively antagonizing and hostile to their opponents in the affair who are icky.


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