

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

As one of "the eight" history tutors mentioned in your article Tuesday, I would like to clear up a point. The article seemed mainly to descry a "political" imbroglio in the department's controversy. This was not the case. The professors listened indulgently enough to our proposals--in full meetings, in committee, during ice cream and amid cigarettes. They disagreed with us. We hope for a continuing debate, perhaps next year: you could facilitate this by discussing the issues and canvassing student opinion. But by crying "politics," "unfairness," "big business," you insure that hard feelings will develop and discussion be cut off. It will be cut off especially from the tutor's side. They will want to be particularly demure, since your article has given, quite untruthfully, the impression that tutors have been muling and whining down at the CRIMSON office. William Stoneman   Teaching Fellow in History
