
Price of Specials Goes Up a Dime

The forces of evil in the international economy have been trying to force Elsie's to lower the quality of its famous Roast Beef Special, which has sold for years at fifty cents.

But Elsie's, in a dramatic move Wednesday, foiled them outright and raised the price a dime. Quality stays.

Elsie's price change allowed Hazen's and Tommy's Lunch to raise their Roast Beef Specials to sixty cents. "Everyone had to sell them for fifty cents as long as Elsie's did," said George Earle, veteran grill-keeper at Tommy's.

Only Mr. Bartley's Burger Cottage, where the Special is not its major item, is holding the line at fifty.

The news hit some students with shock "Sixty cents!" one Elsie customer said. "Jeeze."


"Quit your beefin'," the man behind the counter suggested, and handed him forty cents from his dollar.

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