
Student Stomped For His Smokes

Four Cambridge youths mugged a CRIMSON reporter outside his residence on Green Street, Saturday afternoon at 6 p.m. Neighbors peered out of their windows and watched until he screamed for his roommates.

The Harvard undergraduate, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he could find no reasonable explanation for attack. "They must have been bored," he explained.

Landing a few steps outside his doorstep, the student was talking with a girl in a dark-haired boy stepped in front him and asked him for a cigarette. With three other boys surrounding him, undergraduate offered him one diplomatically, but had the pack snatched of his hands.

"I guess I shouldn't have tried to grab the pack back out of his pocket, but they were my last butts," the student regretted.

As he reached for his cigarettes he punched in the mouth and in the stomach. In the scuffle, the student ripped attacker's shirt pocket off. Grabbed from behind and pounded on the head from both sides, the student finally hit at them and broke for his door.


In girl, who turned her face from scene, had remained silent.

Cutting through back streets and alleys, the quartet escaped before the police arrived. A brief search turned up nothing.
