
University and the City Are Discovering How to Live In Peace--Most of the Time

Kerry's Corner used to stretch for good distance along the Cambridge side of the Charles. With its multi-family homes, the neighborhood was the natural nucleus for a strong political organization. In those early decided of the century, Harvard had only scattered holdings in the thick think of real estate between chutes Ave. and Memorial Drive. There was some mingling of the two cultures, the ethic lower-class of Kerry's Corner and the richer students of the University. But Kerry's Corner was a product of an earlier and it disappeared, taking with much of the flavor of turn-of-the-century politics. Harvard slowly expended its territory, creating the houses on the strip between the Charles and the Yard. Kerry's Corner contracted.

Today there remains only a small reminder of Kerry's Corner. The Charles, for about a quarter of a mile, dominated by Harvard. The Married Student Dormitories, rising high above the small wooden homes that the behind them, begin the University's riverfront real estate. Eliot house marks the end. The character of the area has changed almost completely. The Houses and the Married student Dormitories teem with life, a few of their in-habitants vote, and broadly any really belong to Cambridge. To most, the city is a home for a few years and no more.

Even many of the small homes along Putnam Ave., where the people of Kerry's Corner lived, have been abandoned by their original tenants; students, some from Harvard, some from M.I.T., and some from other colleges throughout the Boston area, live there now. And Harvard has bought many of the homes in the area, and the reach of the University's real estate office grows longer each day.

Voting Decline

The change appears in different ways to different people. It is visible: large numbers of students are constantly walking up and down Putnam Ave. It is financial: the rents in the area are gradually rising as the housing market grows tighter. And it is political: the vote stock of the area's local politician, Walter J. Sullivan, is diminishing steadily. Eight years ago, when Sullivan first ran for the City Council, he received more than 550 votes from his home precinct. His total has now declined to under 350. Sullivan is not lazy, and it is not inattention that accounts for the difference. As one colleague notes, "he's better organized, but the votes have simply moved away."


Nor is Kerry's Corner an isolated reflection of events of the past several decades. Walk away from Harvard Square in any direction and the parked cars tell the story. They are from Connecticut, Wisconsin, New York, and West Virginia. The Massachusetts plates are there, but not until the Square is a good fifteen or twenty minutes away do they really push aside their out-of-state competitors.

The real estate that is constantly being snatched up by the University, and the students who are steadily enlarging their grip on the City's housing market constitute one of the most consistent tensions between Harvard and the rest of Cambridge. "The biggest criticism that I've heard of the town-grown scene is that the University people have boosted rents so high that local people can't stay anymore," says one local politician.

The conflict is inevitable and it will persist. But it is a complicated struggle. The rising rents mean displacement for some Cambridge residents, but larger incomes for others. And if the high-bidding Harvard real estate agents insure that the University will expand its perimeter, they also assure many Cambridge residents of receiving twice or three times the ordinary value of their land. Perhaps because of these compensations, the real estate issue has been a largely silent one.

But there are other reasons for the silence. Over the past three decades, relations between the University and the City have grown slowly better. "The real friction used to be back in the '20's and '30's when you always had a rising tax rate," recalls one city official. "The politicians would always blame the rise on the tax-exempt properties of the University. In those days, the Universities were the politicians' kicking boards."


The hostility has not evaporated, but it has softened. Events of the past several years indicate how great the change has been. Phillips Brooks House has drastically expanded its programs in Cambridge. Its largest program is now in a housing project in East Cambridge. The Graduate School of Education has gained the cooperation of the Cambridge School system in a number of experimental programs that it is testing in Boston metropolitan schools. The Harvard Medical School has become affiliated with the new Cambridge City Hospital. And finally, the local Cambridge "War on Poverty" has sought and used Harvard-Radcliffe volunteers.

These have caused their own problems: the PBH volunteers are constantly worried about both the people in the projects and the local politicians; the Ed School fears a possible flare-up in the old style and constantly attempts to avoid arousing political memories; and some observers expect conflict between Harvard doctors and the Cambridge-rooted doctors in the City hospital. It is possible, though hardly likely, that these tensions will doom the projects that created them. The conflicts seem to be tolerated. The Phillips Brooks House program in the Roosevelt Tower Housing project, for example, has received little but praise from City officials.

The growth of contact between the City and the University has had curious effects. The hostility has not disappeared, and it would be a mistake to assume that it is rapidly on its way out. James M. McGovern '64, a Cambridge native who ran unsuccessfully for the City Council last fall, speaks of the hostility that will probably linger on indefinitely.

"No Awareness"

Before he came to the College, McGovern had "no real awareness of what was going on in Harvard Square." Harvard bore the brunt of his jokes. Walking past a Harvard soccer field one afternoon with a group of friends, he heard one player call to another, "Gorgeous run, George." He recalls: "After that, whenever we talked about Harvard it was 'Gorgeous run, George,' and this was a sign for hilarious laughter." McGovern has not been away from high school long enough for his story to be unrepresentative.
