
Cliffe Is Among Americans Hurt In Spanish Riot

Susan J. Herter '67, studying in Granada on a leave of absence from Radcliffe, was one of a group of Americans clubbed by Spanish policemen during a student demonstration at the University of Madrid Monday afternoon.

The seven Americans were attacked as they left the School of Philosophy and Letters. In the patio of the building, riot policemen were attempting to control the demonstrations.

None of the seven was seriously hurt in the clubbing, which Spanish authorities called an accident.

The incident occurred during a massive demonstration protesting the recent closing of the University of Barcelona. The Univeristy was closed last week by the Franco regime following a series of Miss Herter's mother, Mrs. Susanne Herter of Cambridge, said yesterday that she had not spoken to her daughter but had information through the State Department that she is "fine and in good spirits."

Miss Herter was in Madrid "to mail her trunk home and say good-bye to some friendsj" after finishing the term at Granada, according to her mother. She has since left for Lisbon and the beginning of a tour of Europe before returning to Cambridge in June.
