
Cliffies Whelmed By Light Failure

The lights in Radcliffe Library had the bad grace to go out at about 7:30 p.m. last night. So they closed the place. Which produced peculiar results.

Seems today is the start of exams, and Cliffies being what they are, a lot of people wanted to study. Also seems Rad Libe is the only place a lot of them can "concentrate properly."

There weren't but a dozen of these psychic cripples in the building when the power failed, but more trickled into the Yard at a steady rate. And the oddest thing. When they found out the Library was closed, it seemed to destroy their wills. They just sat down on the grass. By dark there were more than a hundred, scattered across the lawn like so many pigeons. Eventually a cop had to come and make them leave.

And speaking of destruction of the will, the CRIMSON will only publish three times a week from now in. So read hearty.

Unless of course it's 9:45 a.m. already and you're haven't checked the exam schedule yet. Remember how you signed up for Celtic 130 because you thought it was Celtic 100b? Well, the rest of the class is over in Lowell Lect, right now, sweating out a translation of "Deirdire." You better get moving.
