
Caves and Clive To Be Chairmen

Richard E. Caves, professor of Economics, will become chairman of the Economics Department next year, and John L. Clive, professor of History and Literature, will be the new chairman of the Committee on Degrees in History and Literature, Dean Ford announced yesterday.

Caves will replace John T. Dunlop, David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy, chairman for the last five years. Beginning with Caves's term, chairmen will hold the position for only three years, Dunlop said.

The new chairman's specialities are international trade and industrial organization. He was a special assistant to President Kennedy for foreign trade policy, and he has published four books studying industry and theories of world trade.

At Harvard since 1962, Caves is on leave this year to do research at the London School of Economics. Last year he directed Ec 98 and taught Ec 148 and 244a. When he returns, he will probably head a seminar on the Canadian economy.

Clive taught at Harvard from 1952 to 1960, when he left for the University of Chicago. He was an associate professor there until his return to Harvard this year. He is the only member of the Faculty with a chair in History and Literature, and his special field is modern British social and intellectual history. He replaces H. Stuart Hughes, professor of History.
