Radcliffe's snow bunnies won their second meet of the season this weekend at Suicide Six and Mt. Ascutney in the Women's Intercollegiate Ski Conference.
In the Alden Trophy Giant Slalom Saturday, Radcliffe's Robin Barnes placed third with a running time of 73.6 seconds, behind Kelly Woodbury of Cornell at 71.1 and Astrid Meergans of Simmons with a 73.4-second run. Cliffies Ginny Storrs and Carla Schatz took fifth and eighth places.
Radcliffe, Cornell, and Keene State finished first, second and third in the Saturday's eleven-college competition, sponsored by Northeastern University.
On Sunday at Ascutney, Robin Barnes tied for first and Ellie Waterston placed third in a two run slalom to give Radcliffe the title for the two-day meet.
The final race of the season will be on March 12 at Mt. Cranmore, and will be sponsored by Boston University.
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