The Harvard Glee Club and Radcliffe Choral Society will sing their way through Southern Asia during the summer of 1967.
Operating on a budget of $126,000, the 80-member group under the direction of Professor Elliot Forbes '40 will assemble in Denver, Colorado on June 16. An intenstive orientation will take place the and at least four complete programs will be prepared.
During the trip the group will perform with the Manila Symphony Orchestra in the Philippines, give a "royal command performance for the king of Bangkok and participate in the International Cultural Festival at Istanbul.
Plans are being made to join the Edinburgh Festival at the end of the tour, There is also a possibility that the group will join a similar festival at Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Japan, India, and Formosa are also included on the itinerary.
During the Glee Club's 1964 nine week tour of the Far East the Radcliffe Choral Society was not included. Forbes explained yesterday that with a mixed chorus the repertoire could be larger giving the group a better chance to sing with symphony orchestras.
No Admission Fees
Housing for the members of the tour will be provided by local sponsors in each country. Most of the students will live in homes or with other students. In return for this, there will be no concert fees.
"Musicianship, spirit, and loyalty are the only qualifications for admission Forbes said. He will choose the travels group by November 30, 1966.
To cover the expenses Edmund M. Goodhue '67, manager of the tour, has already received over $13,000 and has over $7,000 more in pledges. On the basis of a questionnaire which Goodhue sent out last fall, an expected $50,000 will be raised from parents. The balance of the budget will come mainly from glee club alumni.
The choral group will return to Boston on August 23.
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