
The Silencers

At the Savoy

Dean Martin can sure liven up a picture. In Kiss Me, Stupid--Billy Wilder's long awaited Armageddon--a cop walked up to Martin, who said, "Haven't you found that Sinatra kid yet?"

In The Silencers, Martin flicks on the radio and Sinatra Sr.'s voice careens out of it. Dino changes stations, and his own voice--now securely entrenched in the menopause--replaces Sinatra's.

Actually, though, there are funny moments, like when Stella Stevens nearly drowns in a puddle. And funny lines, like when the well-nigh-intoxicated Miss Stevens says to Martin, "So you thought I couldn't hold my liquor, couldn't I?"

The Silencers is a movie which couldn't hold its.
