
College Will Increase Students' Room Rent

Room rent for Harvard College will be increased by $40 next year, raising raising the rate to $550 for two semesters.

L. Gard Wiggins, administrative vice-president of the University said yesterday that a rise in operating costs for the Houses and freshman dormitories necessitated the change. The rise in costs, Wiggins explained, is a reflection of a general increase nationally in wages and prices.

There will not be another charge in the room rates, Wiggins indicated, for at least two years.

Increase for next year will return approximately $180,000 to the University. This money, Wiggins said, will prevent a "substantial deficit" next year.

It will also defray the small deficit of last year and the deficit predicted for this year.


Income from room rent is the primary source for meeting operating expenses of the Houses and freshman dormitories

The increase, which is the first change in room rent since it was made uniform in 1964, will be considered in the allocations of scholarships next year, Fred L. Glimp '50, dean of admissions, said yesterday. The $40, Glimp explained, will be added to the student budget--an estimation of the overall expenses of a resident student "who watches his spending with reasonable care."

Glimp said that scholarship students will not just have $40 added to their stipends. Scholarship grants will be considered in the light of an estimated total expense of $3440 rather than the $3400 of previous years.

The question of a possible increase in the board rates was considered, Wiggins said, but it was decided that the board rate would be held at the present level for at least next year. This decision, Wiggins explained, was made possible by the increased automation of the food services.
