The Cambridge Committee on the Inner Belt is still in there fighting.
The group of private planners said last night that they will see Senators Edward M. Kennedy '54 and Leverett Saltonstall '14 to show them their Portland-Albany St. route for the Inner Belt.
The State Department for Public Works announced on Tuesday that it has selected Brookline-Eim St. route for the proposed highway.
Members of the Committee last night disputed the displacement figures that Francis W. Sargent, Commissioner of the DPW, cited when he announced the Brookline-Elm route.
At that time, Sargent said that the proposed Portland-Albany route would displace three times as many jobs as the Brookline-Elm one.
Members last night said that the Portland-Albany route which they had devised would displace just 320 more jobs than 2000 jobs that Brookline-Eim will remove.
They added that the extra $10 million that the Portland-Albany route would cost was worth spending to save the 1500 the Brookline-Elm route forces out.
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