
SDS Protests CIA Interventionism Picketing at Career Interviews

Harvard members of the Students democratic Society picketed and and passed out leaflets in front of the Office for Graduate and Career Plans yesterday at the University's cooperation Central Intelligence Agency's interventionism."

The pickets were in protest against the annual CIA job interviews. The CIA interviewed over 20 Harvard students yesterday and Wednesday.

The leaflet urged "that the University, as much as possible, refuse to join in the Cold War programs such as military research projects or CIA recruitment of students on campus."

The SDS also recommended that students interested in CIA jobs ask the interviewer "what role such a secretive and irresponsible invisible government" as the CIA has in a Democratic Society.

The SDS criticized the CIA for "continually resisting attempts" at Presidential, Congressional, or popular surveillance.


One prospective job applicant replied, "I don't think it is feasible for the President for Congress to directly run every government agency. The President can only give most agencies broad directives and leave the details to them. In a government this size there is always going to be a dispersion of power."

CIA "Subversive"

The SDS also charged that in 1953 th CIA "led the overthrow of Iranian Premier Mossadeph, and engineered the ouster of the Arbenz government in Guatemala in 1954. It has engaged in independent subversive activities in Eastern Europe, Burma, China, Indonesia, Costa Rica, and others."

Another of the students who had requested interviews dismissed the charge. "I saw the SDS pamphlet and it's 90 per cent assertion. They have no proof," he said.

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