
Wrestling Team Faces Engineers On M.I.T. Mats

The wrestling team had better score early in tonight's meet at M.I.T. or it may find itself at the short end of the final score. M.I.T. has two really fine wrestlers on this year's squad and is undefeated after two meets.

The Engineers have beaten B.C., 24-11, and Williams, 24-9, so far. With the home mat advantage tonight, they must be entertaining thoughts of three straight.

If the meet is close going into the final two matches, the Crimson can expect trouble. At 177, M.I.T. has sophomore Keith Davies, last year's freshman New England champ. And at heavyweight, there is 220-pound Dave Shramm, the captain of the team and last year's varsity New England champ.

Facing them will be junior Paul Padlak, dropping down from his former 191 position, and sophomore Bob Panoff. There is no 191-pound class in tonight's tournament, played under New England conference rules.

Line-up Changes


Other changes in the Crimson line-up tonight find Bill Zinn at the 145-pound class and Dick Low at 160. Seniors Howie Henjyoji (123), captain Ed Franquemont (152), and Chris Wickens (167) should score well, with sophomores Danny Naylor (130) and Carl Baum (137) rounding out the line-up.

The meet will be at 7:30 p.m. in M.I.T.'s duPont gymnasium, the old building on the Harvard site of Kresge Auditorium.

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