
Professors Here Support Peabody

A committee of 60 Massachusetts professors, including 15 from Harvard, yesterday endorsed the U.S. Senate candidacy of former Governor Endicott Peabody '42.

"We've reflected carefully on the choice between the two candidates and we believe that Governor Peabody is better qualified to serve in this high national office," the endorsement read in part.

"Some of us may differ with him, as we may differ with each other on how best to solve the great issues now before the American people and their government, but these problems can't be charmed out of existence nor is the public interest serve by those who resort to ambiguities while cautiously testing the winds of opinion," it said further.

Among those from Harvard signing the endorsement were: professors Archibald Cox, Merle Fainsod, Paul Freund, Oscar Handlin, Abram M. Chayes, Frank B. Freidal, George Homans and Adam Yarmolinsky.
