
DeGuglielmo Wants 'Master Plan' To Unify Cambridge Development

City Manager Joseph A. DeGuglielmo '29 wants a "master plan" for Cambridge that would unify future City development projects--public and private--and qualify Cambridge for federal Demonstration Cities aid.

But the Council tabled action on the proposal until next week, when it will hear Alan McClennen '38, Cambridge's planning director, and Robert Roland, of the City Redevelopment Authority.

As he described it to the Council, DeGuglielmo wants "a program of community planning" which would avoid conflicts between the City, the universities, and industry as they pursue individual development goals.

Currently, he said, both public and private institutions have no way of knowing how their plans will hurt others, or how they themselves will be hit by outside plans.

Seed Money


He asked for $2500 "seed money" to finance an initial independent survey out of his own office. The survey would look into every facet of Cambridge planning, he said, and would definitely include housing, urban renewal, transportation, and education. It would also cover specific City concerns such as the proposed incinerator, the new hospital, and new libraries and schools.

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