
North House Creates Holmes Date Lounge

In an independent move, the North House committee has established a Radcliffe date lounge in the basement of Holmes Hall. It will be open from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. every night.

The Radcliffe Government Association had proposed last week that the lounge be in Radcliffe Field House.

North House residents will be allowed to use the lounge as soon as volunteer supervisors sign up. It will be open to the rest of Radcliffe within two weeks.

Cliffie supervisors will work in 1 1/2 hour shifts, checking bursar's cards, watching sign-in sheets, and locking the door at 2 a.m.

Giles Constable '50, head resident of North House, proposed the Holmes-lounge plan, and was backed by a Holmes Hall petition which half of the dormitory's residents signed last week.


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